Choosing the right color is something difficult but sometimes, understanding them on an e-shop can be even harder. That is why we created this page. We have a wide range of beautiful colors that grow each season. Tourterelle, Taupe and Black are our best sellers but we love to add seasonal colors. On this page we want to give you a clear idea about our color offer as well as the difference between each color. Especially when they are neutral tones, it’s hard to understand the differences.
Depending on brands, we may have the same name but the tone can be different or it can be the same. For example, our leather is from the same tannery as Hermès, but our color name may be different (or same) depending on how we have named ours. Also, we have specific names for one language that may be different from another language, depending on the nuances of the language that helps us to describe the color the best. For example, ‘Prune’ color in English and French, we call it ‘Azuki’ in Japanese as we felt that this name best represents this color. We hope that this page helps you to understand our beautiful color ranges. Please feel free to contact us, should you have questions.